Thunder Laser Support for SignMax Lasers and Other Vendors

We are pleased to announce that Thunder Laser Canada is able to support customers who purchased laser machines from

SignMax Canada.

banner 'did you buy an identical laser from another vendor?" photo of SMX laser "we can help with customer support" thunder laser canada logo

Our Thunder Laser Canada Team is Here to Help

Our team has been around for 2 years and are happy to be the official partners for Thunder Laser in Canada. We know some of you have purchased machines from other vendors, but we want you to know that even if you didn’t purchase from us, we are here to support you 100%.


shannon hoover a light skinned man with glasses and short facial hair


Zee Kesler a light skinned woman with red glasses and dark long hair is close to the camera with a laser cut teal sign with white letter on a table behind her in the background


A light skinned woman with dark hair has a long haired pomeranian dog.


a light skinned man white a ponytail sits at a desk with his arm on the table and hand on his chin with a laptop infront of him

For customer support contact
