Anon-defectiveproductmay be returnedtoThunderLaser Canada withinseven(7) days ofthedateof receiptfora refundoftheoriginal purchase price withthefollowingamendments/fees:
1.ThunderLaser Canada will refundneithertheoriginal shipping costnor theshipping and handling feesincurred fromthereturn.
2.No refundwill be grantedforinstallationor trainingcosts.
3.No refundwill be grantedforequipmentwhich has been opened,used,or tamperedwithin any way which jeopardizes ThunderLaser Canada’s abilitytore-marketor resell theproduct.
4.AllReturnsare subjecttoa fifteenpercent(15%) restockingfee,which percentageis takenfromthe finalpurchase price less any shipping or handling charges.
5.Due totheunderwriter’sleasing terms,we are unable toissue refundsforequipmentleased but, can ratherissue an exchange.
Toreturn any product clients must email our Customer Service Department, sales@thunderlaser.caprior to shipping for approval. Due to freight costs, we will not accept any unapproved returned shipments.